OpenEMR at Southern California Linux Expo

David Uhlman will be giving a talk titled: Free & Open Source Medicine. David will be discussing the next generation open-source medical suite OpenEMR. OpenEMR supports scheduling, billing, and electronic medical records.

“While taking a look specifically at that project we will also be looking at what role Free & Open Source software plays in the overall industry as well as how the medical context impacts developing software. Complexities like un-standards, regulation and privacy/security concerns makes this in interesting and unique topic.” For discounted passes to this non-profit show use the promo code “newsp”. For free exhibit hall passes use the promo code “free”.

SCALE 3x will also have other events, panels, and talks as well There will also be an exhibit hall with exhibitors such as IBM, EMIC Networks, Yosemite Technologies, TOLIS Group, Debian, KDE, GNOME and more. For more information check out the website at

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