MinimPy: A minimisation program for subject allocation in randomised clinical trial

MinimPy is a free open source desktop application for managing the whole process of minimization. MinimPy provides easy control over complicated aspects of a minimisation protocols through a tabbed window interface. It is a platform independent open-source desktop software written in Python programming language. The program is freely available for download under GPL license.

Minimisation is an alternative method to randomisation for allocation of subjects to treatment groups in clinical trials. Minimisation leads to more balanced treatment groups regarding important prognostic factotrs than randomisation. Advanced minimisation methods in addition to reducing the imbalances among patients factors, have some components of randomisation, to make the assignments unpredictable. MinimPy is an open-source minimisation program in Python programming language, which provides full customization of minimisation features. In MinimPy Naive and biased coin minimisation methods together with various new and classic distance measures were implemented. The program uses a tabed interface to manage trial settings, groups and variables definition, subject allocations, and frequency table display. Measures of trial balance are continuously displayed in the balance tab. Network data syncing was implemented using Subversion to facilitate minimisation of multi-center trial over the network. It uses a central SVN repository. This is particularly useful for multi-center trials.
MinimPy provides easy control over complicated aspects of a minimisation protocols through a tabbed window interface. It is a platform independent open-source desktop software written in Python programming language.
The program is freely available for download under GPL license at
Reference documentation is available at: Program web site

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