Past recipient of the Linux Medical News Achievement Award KS Bhaskar wrote on the hardhats list: ‘On Tuesday, July 20, Oleen Healthcare in Silver Spring, MD, hosted a meeting of a number of VistA related vendors (see organization list below) and WorldVistA to discuss how WorldVistA and VistA vendors could collaborate better, whether and how WorldVistA (a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation could accommodate vendor participation, etc.)…One of my action items from the meeting was to create a Yahoogroups list for the vendors to carry out discussions, and I have created a group called vista-vendors. So e-mail to will go to all registered there, and will be archived for the future…’ The list of vendors and groups attending was impressive and included: Document Storage Systems, Fidelity Information Services, Global Technologies, Hewlett-Packard, InterSystems, Medical Alliances, Medsphere, Oleen Healthcare, Perot Systems, Sea Island Systems, WorldVistA