Article 100: A LinuxMedNews Retrospective

On this occasion, the 100th article posted to the LinuxMedNews site, let us recount highlights of LinuxMedNews short history through a best of LinuxMedNews retrospective. These are what I consider to be the best articles of the past 5 months and the more noteworthy events in the sites history. If you are new to this and would like to know where we’ve been, here you go…

March 30th, 2000 LinuxMedNews opens ‘…to facilitate, amplify and begin the process of fundamentally changing medical education and practice into a more effective, fair and humane enterprise using modern technologies.’ an anonymous reader writes: ‘about freakin’ time!’ 500 people visit in the first few days. 1st article posted was Total Redesign…

April 3rd, Jim Intriglia, aka Captain Fantastic posts his first article

April 8th, LinuxMedNews Open Source Medical Software Project list began with 18 projects listed.

April 15th Closed Source Medical Software Poses Unacceptable Risk

April 16th Netscape Navigator Stability Considered Key in which Jim Intriglia and I took on one of the biggest roadblock to success.

April 21st Will Vendors of Medical Software Taste Forbidden Fruit?

May 2nd, First noted that no open source medical palm apps exist. And still don’t.

May 5th, Guatemalan Hospital to Run Linux Live travelog from one of the most amazing two weeks of my life. LinuxMedNews covered for the first time by another news organization.

July 5th, LinuxMedNews makes it on to major search engines at and, LinuxMedNews-Announce newsletter begins.

August 6th, with Beyond This Horizon LMN went on the offensive after a month of doldrums.

August 14th, Jim Intriglia finds a nugget of gold with a Health Informatics article that finally put numbers on Health IT failures after I predicted it several months before. Massively Expensive IT Failures

August 16th, Newsforge interview begins a trend of other news sites taking notice of LMN

August 24th, Win4Lin review hits the streets ultimately ending up on Slashdot.

Sept 4th, LMN project list updated with the previous 18 projects now numbering 41 a 100+% increase in 5 months. Other news sites carry the story.

Sept 6th, mentions ‘Linux Medical News’ August 24th Win4Lin review. 25,000 new visitors come to the site in one week.

Sept 12th, 100th article posted to

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