Category Archives: legal

Some basic principles of Care2x

After observing some discussion threads in several lists lately, I believe we need to remind ourselves that Care2x:

a) does not and will not discriminate any nation, continent, language, race, religion, culture and socio-political-economic systems.

b) is not a religion and will stay neutral to religious beliefs.

c) is not a political platform and should not be abused as such.

d) is not a political tool and should not be abused as such.

e) is not a weapon and should not be abused as such.

f) has the PATIENT as its center of activities.

g) will respect other “standards” even if Care2x may or may not propose its own standard soon or in the future.

h) will try to integrate other “standards” (e.g. HL7) inside an abstraction layer (similar to ADODB in principle).

i) will not enter into a competitive race against similar projects but instead try to create a channel to communicate with their applications.

Also, Care2x’s mailing lists:

a) are democratic and every subscriber can post his own opinion

b) are not censored

c) subscribers should be responsible for their statements

d) subcribers are free to rebutt or counter any posted statement

d) subscribers’/members’ statements DO NOT automatically constitute the project’s principles.

A little known fact:
There are people from North America, USA and Autralia who are interested in implementing Care2x in their health institutions and are hoping to have it accepted widely in their countries. Interestingly, these people are modest, humble and chose to keep low profile.

Elpidio Latorilla

Ten Comandments of Computerization

Interesting and well written, this article first appeared in The Osler Outlook and discusses the legal liability of NOT using technology: ‘…T.J. Hooper v. Northern Barge was a famous case in its day, holding the tugs liable for their failure to have on board state-of-the-art technology. In 1932, that “state-of-the-art technology” was a radio receiving set, capable of picking up the weather broadcasts of the fledgling National Weather Service, which had taken to broadcasting maritime weather reports twice a day. The Hooper and the Montrose had on board what was customary in the merchant marine of 1932 – a transmitter, to call “Mayday” – but the court said that there are precautions so imperative that no industry or trade may be excused for their lack, even if the disregard be universal, and that the newness of the technology is no defence…’ How liable are physicians if they don’t use computerized ordering or records?

WP: House Passes Bill to Track Medical Errors

The Washington Post reports that the House of representative has passed by a wide 418-6 margin a bill to ‘create a voluntary system for tracking medical errors, promising confidentiality to hospitals and doctors and assurances the information will not go to lawyers for use in malpractice suits…’ If this is signed into law, the question is what softwares will be used for the database? Will it be free/open source so that it can be subjected to 3rd party forensic analysis in the event of a security breach?

Christmas (License) Greetings

From us (“the wishor”) to you (“hereinafter called the wishee”) Please accept without obligation, implied or implicit, our best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, politically correct, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all…and a financially successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2001, but with due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures or sects, and having regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith, choice of computer platform or dietary preference of the wishee. Author Unknown, courtesy of Tim Cook, fine print follows.

By accepting this greeting you are bound by these terms

  • This greeting is subject to further clarification or withdrawal
  • This greeting is freely transferable provided that no alteration shall be made to the original greeting and that the proprietary rights of the wishor are acknowledged.
  • This greeting implies no promise by the wishor to actually implement any of the wishes.
  • This greeting may not be enforceable in certain jurisdictions and/or the restrictions herein may not be binding upon certain wishees in certain jurisdictions and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wishor.
  • This greeting is warranted to perform as reasonably may be expected within the usual application of good tidings, for a period of one year or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first.
  • The wishor warrants this greeting only for the limited replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wishor
  • Any references in this greeting to “The Lord”, “Father Christmas”, “Our Saviour”, or any other festive figures, whether actual or fictitious, dead or alive, shall not imply any endorsement by or from them in respect of this greeting, and all proprietary rights in any referenced third party names and images are hereby acknowledged.