Freemed-YiRC V1.20 Released

Freemed-YiRC is a software project which provides a fully-integrated, web-based, secure, modular, and customizable web-based product capable of providing Child Caring/Residential Care/Foster Care agencies with a fully functional internal case management/information management system.

More information can be found on the Freemed-YiRC website:

The Mumps Programming Language (book)

Book: The Mumps Programming Language (2010) available from (ISBN: 1438243383, 120 pages). A revised, updated and comprehensive overview of Mumps with numerous programming examples.

Beginning in 1966, Mumps (also referred to as M), was developed by Neil Pappalardo and others in Dr. Octo Barnett’s lab at the Massachusetts General Hospital on a PDP-7. It was later ported to a number of machines including the PDP-11 and VAX.

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GNUmed – from desktop to web application

In the FOSS world there is choice. There are desktop oriented applications and web based applications. There is however no EMR application which offers both – at the same time. This is because the desktop and the web a fundamentally different – only the user stays the same. GNUmed is attempting to offer what has not been offered before. A desktop app like it has for many years and a web based application – all sharing a common code base without any compromises in terms of security.

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The 2010 Healthcare Finance News Virtual Conference and Expo: Healthcare Finance in an Era of Political Reform and Economic Recession

Submit a proposal focused on medical banking for the upcoming conference. The call is open until July 16.

The September 2009 Healthcare Finance News Virtual Conference & Expo attracted over 1,000 registrants consisting of CFOs, COOs, CEOs, CIOs, revenue cycle directors, compliance officers, and other healthcare finance professionals.

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