Wired: A Wireless Doctor Is in the House

Wired News recently reported on the impact that wireless and handheld computers are having on health care as well as discussing a mish-mash of technologies. Dr. Daniel Sands of CareGroup HealthCare System and Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center is quoted as saying: ‘…While e-mail is not the most secure medium…neither is a postcard, fax, cordless
phone or cell phone — all of which doctors use regularly for patient communications.

“The security issues for e-mail that people worry about are the wrong issues,”

It’s not hackers that should keep you up at night, but shared e-mail, incorrect addressing, multiple addresses,
employer-owned accounts, printed messages and unguarded systems with e-mail showing on the monitor — all of
which can be easily corrected with common sense and encryption…’

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