FreePM 1.0b to ship in March

FreePM project leader Tim Cook has this to say about FreePM’s future directions:

‘…We are currently testing FreePM on Zope 2.3.1b1. If all goes well, it will be the platform that our 1.0b ships on next month. It’s looking good so far. The feature list for FreePM 1.0b is coming together nicely. After more market research and lessons learned at the Fresno Summits, the list of features for the first version of FreePM has been pared down… His ‘future directions’ statement in its entirety follows.

FreePM is moving forward.

We are very happy with the Python/Zope platform because it brings such a robust and varied assortment of pre-built tools. Granted, learning to use Zope has not been an easy task. But like a true open source project it has gotten easier to learn and more stable with each new release. For more information about the future of Zope I invite you to read:

We are currently testing FreePM on Zope 2.3.1b1. If all goes well, it will be the platform that our 1.0b ships on next month. It’s looking good so far.

The feature list for FreePM 1.0b is coming together nicely. After more market research and lessons learned at the Fresno Summits, the list of features for the first version of FreePM has been pared down.

We have determined that it is more beneficial to produce a GOOD electronic medical/health record system without a lot of practice management functions than it is to incorporate these functions at the expense of the core patient record. By using the datastorage and communications features of Zope, a link to virtually any practice management system can be built to provide bidirectional data exchange.

I trust that everyone on the mailing list will agree with this position. I sincerely believe that in the long run this change in scope will create a better more useful product that will fill
the needs of many physicians offices.

There is still some work to be done on the template generator before the promised 0.6b release. I hope to see it finished up this week.

Thank you all,

Tim Cook, President – FreePM,Inc. Office: (901) 884-4126

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