OpenEMed Site Up and Running

OpenEMed has a new main web site at The site proclaims: OpenEMed is a distributed healthcare information system built around the OMG distributed object specifications and the HL7 (and other) data standards and is written in Java for platform portability. OpenEMed includes sample implementations of the Person Identification Service, Clinical Observation Access Service, Resource Access Decision, and Terminology Query Service which have been adopted as international standards by the Object Management Group ( through the OMG’s

Healthcare Taskforce
The system requires a CORBA 2.2 compliant ORB to run, and works with
the ORBAcus 4.0 ORB, for example.
It includes a complete JSP client implementation of a infectious disease monitoring system (RSVP) for use in an Urgent Care setting.
It also has SSL security implemented for positive identification of the user and the servers.
We are inviting others to contribute to the development of additional modules, improvements of existing modules, or additional functionality and range of application.’

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