BBLimage 0.63 – Volume Image Tools Available

Paul Hughett on the comp.lang.python newsgroup writes: ‘…The source distribution kit for BBLimage version 0.63 is now available
from BBLimage is a collection of tools for processing volume images, especially medical images; it includes Pyvox, a Python extension
for large multi-dimensional arrays. BBLimage is currently available as an alpha release under an
open-source license and is written in ANSI C and designed to be easily portable to any Unix or Posix-compatible platform. It is known to compile and run on Linux/Intel 2.4 and Solaris/Sparc 7. Some programs also require the X Window System.

NOTE: Alas, the current version has only been tested on RedHat 6.2 Linux. We are still digesting some recent major improvements and
portability has not quite caught up yet. We *do* intend to fix this.

Paul Hughett


Paul Hughett, Ph.D. Research Associate and
Brain Behavior Laboratory Computer Systems Manager
10th floor Gates Building
Hospital of the University (215) 662-2826 (voice)
of Pennsylvania (215) 662-7903 (fax)
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia PA 19104

A rose by any other name confuses the issue.
-Patrick E. Raume


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