Open Source Telepathology Project Released

iPath is a recently released open source telepathology project. iPath is intended to be a modular, easy to use, web-based telepathology solution with no specific software and hardware needs. Currently two modules are released and running: a) At the core, the telepathology database for case discussion and second opinion consultations and b) a telemicropscopy module for real time microscope sharing over internet.

iPath – Internet Pathology Suite

iPath originated from our frustrations with existing internet-telemicroscopy solution which usually ended within our hospitals firewalls. After finding a technology to do remote microscopy over internet connections which are secured with firewalls, we needed a versatile database which allowed us to store images generated in telemicroscopy sessions.

While developing such a database we became aware that the main benefit of telepathology is its value for second opinion consultations, a field generally regarded as the most beneficial part of telepathology (cf. Mairingen 2001 in ACP 21(3,4)).

Once our work reached a certain stability, we decided to release our Software collection as an open source project to allow others to participate and use it. Currently there are two modules released:

Telepathology Database: A database with a web based userinterface (PHP, PostgreSQL and Apache) that allows a group of pathologists to discuss difficult cases online.
real-time Telemicrosopy: A small piece of software that allows to connect a conventional or a motorized microscope to an iPath-Server from where it can be accessed and controlled over a Java-Applet from one or more remote pathologists.

People interested in our telepathology database are welcome to visit our

Or visit the project page at:, where the software is released.

PS: contributions and comments are highly welcome.

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