Littlefish Project Joins ResMediciae

Eric Raymond states in the Cathedral and the Bazaar: “When you lose interest in a program, your last duty to it is to hand it off to a competent successor.” It is therefore with great pleasure that we can officially announce that the Littlefish Health Project will be amalgamated into the Res Medicinae Project under the leadership of Christian Heller

We hope the specifications and requirements of the Littlefish Project and the work carried out by so many people over the years will assist not only Res Medicinae but also other open source projects in developing useful health software that provides for better health care delivery to all parts of the globe.

The Littlefish Project materials have been be transferred to though the original documents will remain on the littlefish website at for archival /research purposes for any interested parties.

After a well earned sabbatical (and once the World Cup Football Tournament is out of the way) I will have time to assist Res Medicinae in attaining our shared ideals of Open Source Health software that benefits all.

Best wishes

Chris Fraser & Christian Heller

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