Open Paradigms Announces TORCH

Open Paradigms has forked FreePM into a new project called Trusted Open source Records for Care & Health (TORCH). Looks better. Works better. Will Live Longer.

TORCH – New open source EHR released for public scrutiny.
Following the separation of the founder, Tim Cook, from Free Practice Management Inc. Open Paradigms is delighted to announce the release of TORCH � Trusted Open source Records for Care & Health.

TORCH is a forked development based on the GPL licensed FreePM code and as such maintains backwards compatibility to version 1.0b6 of FreePM. However, TORCH has been developed extensively beyond the capabilities of FreePM.

TORCH is partially integrated with an open source intranet application and is undergoing other renovations in the template and scheduling modules.
For further information, or to see the online demonstration of TORCH, please refer to

Open Paradigms
Open Paradigms specialises in the development and use of open source applications in health care. In particular, Open Paradigms provides all support services, including installation, training & education for its own EHR application � TORCH. Open Paradigms also provides specialist training and education regarding the use of an EHR in health care with a particular interest in family practice. Additional consultancy options are available to assist you in progressing towards a paperless practice.

Open Paradigms believes strongly in the open source paradigm and therefore all software developed entirely by the company is released under GPL licence. However, there are components of health applications, such as certain coding systems, that can not be made available in this way. Therefore, Open Paradigms collaborates extensively with other organisations to ensure that full integration and flexibility is inherent in all Open Paradigms products. By collaborating in this way, Open Paradigms believes that the essential infrastructure needed for health applications will be both stronger and more durable in the long term.

For further information please visit our website or
contact Tim Cook by E-Mail or Tel.: 731 884 4126

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