OSHCA 2003: Call for Papers

‘…We are delighted to announce that the fourth annual [The Open Source Healthcare Alliance (OSHCA)] conference will be hosted by the University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland, home of Health on the Net (HON), on 7 -9 December, 2003. The conference is being coordinated with two other important events: MEDNET2003 and the World Summit on the Information Society, Platform on ICT Development. (see http://www.mednet2003.org and http://www.ict-4d.org)…Abstracts must be submitted no later than 1 August, 2003. Submissions may be made by completing the abstract submission form at: www.e-cology.ca/oshca2003_call.html’ The full text of the announcement is within.

Call for Presentations

OSHCA 2003 – 4th Annual Open Source Health Care Alliance Meeting

Deadline: 1 August, 2003

Interest and the rate of adoption of Open source methods and
applications in both private and public sectors has gained significant
momentum around the world in this last year. OSHCA is the pioneering and
driving force for this positive and innovative approach to information
technology innovation and dissemination in the health sector.

We are delighted to announce that the fourth annual annual conference
will be hosted by the University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland, home
of Health on the Net (HON), on 7 -9 December, 2003. The conference is
being coordinated with two other important events: MEDNET2003 and the
World Summit on the Information Society, Platform on ICT Development.
(seehttp://www.mednet2003.org and http://www.ict-4d.org)

This three day conference will consist of presentations, poster sessions
and workshops on a variety of issues concerning the promotion, use and
adoption of open source software in health care as it affects all

Abstracts must be submitted no later than 1 August, 2003. Submissions
may be made by completing the abstract submission form at: www.e-cology.ca/oshca2003_call.html


Joseph Dal Molin

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