There is a new little application started to improve communication inside the Care2x. We set up a Jabber Server named “”. Read more to get the information “WHY” and what we can do with it.
Since some Versions ago of Care2x the GPL Software Ataraxia 1.1 was integrated to Care2x. It gives the possibility to use a Mobile Phone or any Palm or any other Handheld with Care2x together.
See some Screenshots there ore use the live demo to send the main developer an Email. To test the online demo, type into your WAP mobile phone’s browser. Please send us a short email via your mobile phone.
Future or Reality – your choice
The Jabber server now gives the possibility for life contact to developers that are listed at SourceForge.
We started a Bot to see their life presence on a page and to give the possibillity to contact them personaly life and to chat in the Jabber Care2x Conference Center ( This page is the first test and need to be continued.
What is the sence?
There are a lot of jabber interestet developers around the world. Why not to discuss the possibility to integrade sencefull applications in the connection with the Jabber XML protocoll for integration to Care2x? Is it sencefull to integrate an instant messenger in a health application like KDE Kopete? Help to find a answer…
Enjoy to write a litle application
Give your Ideas
Lets Jabber – Care2x – Have Fun