Knoppix Offer to all Medical/Health Open Source related projects

Wilfried G�dert has put together a Knoppix CD of the Care2x project and is offering to include other medical open source screenshots, presentations and articles on the CD. Per G�dert, the creator of Knoppix is personally involved in this so the quality should be good. Please contact him at the above e-mail if you are interested. The full text of his announcement is within. This is different from the Debian-med project which seeks to create a specifically medical distribution of Linux.

(please forward this info to other Open Source projects) I spoke with Elpidio, that we have some place or make it possible for the Care2x CD

I wrote also to IValdes about it.

So i think if someone like to send me some papers or presentations from his Health/Medical related Open Source project. It is possible to add it at the CD. Prefered format is pdf or an Open Office format. Open Office will be includet to the CD.

I includet also Minaltas Gallery so that Screenshots send to me can be integrated in a folder. Pictures/Flash films of Developers or Developement Departements are wellcome. Please in a good resolution whats interesting for press. The Content and pictures must be free for distribution. Creative Commons will help you.

At every start of the CD a Browser pops up and give the information about this additional content with a link to the right folder. I need help for translations to other languages!!!
A pre design of the CD Startpage you will find here:

The Content of additional Information about health related stuff is inside the talk folder.

The Final version of the CD remastering is in a few days.
Please mail me your articles or at minimum some infos about your project to



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