Updated again 5/3/04 — that’s May, not March and that’s Tuesday morning May 11th On Tuesday morning May 11/2004 opensource developers and enthusiasts in health care will convene at the University of Toronto for a 1/2 day workshop on Opensource Systems in Health Care. The workshop is part of a 3-day conference entitled Opensource and Free Software: Concepts, Controversies and Solutions presented by the Knowledge Media Design Institute at the University.
An announcement of the pending opensource release of ePresence, a webcasting utility developed at the KMDI is expected at the conference
The Opensource in Health Care workshop features Dr. Yuri Quintana, Dr. David Chan, Mr. Joseph Dal Molin, Dr. Khaled El Emam, Mr. Robin Carriere and Dr. David Ryan. The workshop themes will include history of opensource in health care, opensource software systems in primary care, opensource and regulatory agencies, issues in the international deployment of opensource and opensource from a Canadian CIO perspective.