F/OSS and MIE2005

The IMIA Open Source Working Group is exploring the idea of a working conference and/or F/OSS ‘summit’ to be held in conjunction with MIE2005 in Geneva 28 August – 1 September 2005. We would probably be looking at approx. 2-3 Sept. for the meeting. See the main body (below) for encouragement to submit for MIE2005.
If you would be interested, in principle, in attending such a meeting, please let me know – on peter.j.murray@btinternet.com The structure is very fluid at present – we want to know if it is worth putting in the effort to organise.

Regards, Peter Murray

MIE (Medical Informatics Europe) is held two years out of three (not held in a medinfo year) – the next is MIE2005 – www.mie2005.net – Geneva Switzerland 28 August – 1 September 2005 – The XIX International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics. The Call for Submissions closes mid January 2005.

If we can get enough submissions, there is the possibility of at least one F/OSS stream to the event, and some F/OSS speakers. I would be interested in an indication of anyone who might be thinking of making a submission of any kind (paper, poster, tutorial, workshop, etc) and of attending if their submission is accepted.

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