Web Demonstrations of Open Source Practice Management and EMR

Pennington Firm, LLC offers free web demonstrations of OpenEMR on Friday, January 28, 2005 and Wednesday, February 2, 2005. OpenEMR is a free, open source practice management, EMR, prescription writing and medical billing application.

The 45 minute web demonstration of OpenEMR’s practice management and electronic medical record features will illustrate:

1. Features of the OpenEMR calendar, including categories;

2. Finding available appointments on a provider’s schedule;

3. Attaching and managing digital or scanned documents;

4. Entering a medical encounter with a patient;

5. Customizing the superbill

6. Entering medical billing information;

7. Running reports;

8. Managing or modifying the claim;

9. Managing of Accounts Receivable;

10. Entering EOB; and

11. Printing weekly or monthly patient statements.

The presentations will take place on:

Friday, January 28, 2005 at 2pm Pacific Time; and

Wednesday, February 2, 2005 at 9am Pacific Time.

For information on participation in web demonstration, please call toll-free 888-480-5050 or email wpennington at pennfirm dot com.

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