6th Annual Libre Software Meeting July 5-9 Call for Papers

Announcing the LSM 2005 Libre Software Meeting for Medicine 6th International Conference, July 5-9, 2005, at Dijon, France CALL FOR PAPERS. ‘LSM is the annual international meeting of experts (prividers and users) on new developments in free software medical systems (open source) and their applications. An important objective of the LSM/2005 is to open contacts between people from different domains mainly IT (Information Technology) and Medicine. This conference concentrates on advances in Application of Informatics in Healthcare, which implies a lot of challenges, as the value (the qualitative and economic implications) given by the expansion of health care information exchange and interoperability to the flow of clinical and other administrative data, and its importance for encouraging health care IT investment and facilitating health care reform. We wish to address the lack of real-world implementation of interoperable systems in health care. Seamless integration of local and remote records, is far more likely to offer clinicians the integrated information they need for providing optimal care. Doctors (MD), informaticians, decision makers, policy makers, etc are kindly invitited to participate to this European conference dedicated to free software for medicine mainly addresing the value of health care information exchange and interoperability.’ For further details contact simion.pruna@telemed.ro. Abstract submissions to office@telemed.ro

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