Pablo Sau writes:

The aim of this new CDMEDIC Live CD is to make a free distribution for complex medical data such as PET-CT, with the possibility of creating, reviewing, manipulating and distributing medical images and reports accessible from any operating system.
New fusion-2.iso has the following features:

  • Live CD created with Linux Live Scripts, based on Debian Sid and uses UnionFS.

  • From the running Live CD, without hard disk installation, it’s possible to install and run new programs, using the nice ENLIGHTENMENT DR17 window manager.


  • It has a OFFIS DCMTK DICOM listener, Series of MRI, PET, CT can received and a DICOMDIR is created along new re-sampled data to make it more manageable.


  • Series received can be fused using AMIDE (User’s Manual included) and you can create jpg and mpg movies of Flight through on any slice orientation, rendering fused volumes and save the processed data.


  • Also them can viewed, windowed, panned and zoomed with AESKULAP DICOM Viewer.


  • From the running Live CD you can re-master (Mini Howto included) and toast a new Live CD with the added data.


  • If you get a copy of the report in doc format it is converted to html along the DICOM images converted to jpg in a film fashion and stored in the cdmedic CD directory, to be accessed from any Internet Browser.


  • When the Live CD is run from Windows the fusion can be manipulated with the windows runtime of AMIDE and the DICOM data could be viewed with a Windows DICOM Viewer program copied to the CD root directory. See DICOM introduction and free software or Free DICOM and Medical Imaging Wiewer / Converter Software to see the options.


  • If you insert the CD in a Medical Work Station, the DICOM data is accessed trough the DICOMDIR.

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