SynSeer new website

SynSeer, the company most directly responsible for MirrorMed has revamped the website. SynSeer aims to be the top project-neutral Open Source Medical Software Company (As far as we know right now, we are the only one). Obviously SynSeer will support MirrorMed and FreeB, but also OpenEMR, FreeMED and perhaps someday VistA Office.
The new website should be better eye candy, and indicate the new directions for the company.


Google Trends and eHealth

eHealth News Portal has a news article named “Google Trends and eHealth” presenting the new Google service named Google Trends. As an example of the new service, we have entered four topics: eHealth, telemedicine, medical informatics and health informatics in order to identify how often they’ve been searched for on Google over time.

The obtained results will not be discussed or analysed, please just pay attention that eHealth term become more and more popular during the last months.

You can compare up to five terms by separating each term with a comma. To compare trend info for “ehealth” and “telemedicine” for example, you’d simply enter “ehealth, telemedicine” and click on “Search Trends”.

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