Eclipse Open Healthcare Framework & OpenEHR at Stuttgart

The Eclipse Open Healthcare Framework (OHF) Project is an open source project whose aim is to build an e-health computing platform (tools, run-times and community) on which developers can more effectively build useful and interoperable applications. We believe that the openEHR community could leverage the Eclipse platform – the tooling, run-time and governance support, to improve the coherence of the the tools, implementations and uptake of openEHR. OHF will propose an openEHR component at the European EclipseCon meeting.
Eclipse is widely known as a tools IDE, or even just a Java development environment. But Eclipse is more than this.

Eclipse is a community with a strong open source governance model that develops tools which have strong reuse of the knowledge code for run-time use by developers.

We have an OHF FTF meeting in Stuttgart on Oct 13th, where the project will be proposed for formal adoption as an OHF component. I am currently working with Tom Beale to clarify the scope of the proposal, and how it relates to an overall tooling roadmap for openEHR. This notice is an invitation to come to the Stuttgart meeting and have your say, or to work with Tom and I on the proposal in advance.

Grahame Grieve – grahame at


Stuttgart Meeting announcement:

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