IMIA Open Source Group to co-sponsor LMN Award

The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) will be co-sponsoring the Linux Medical News Freedom Award to be given at this years American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Open Source Working Group meeting on Monday November 13th at the Hilton Washington Towers in Washington, D.C. United States: “We are pleased to announce that, as from this year, the Open Source Health Informatics Working Group (OSWG) of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) will co-sponsor the Annual Linux Medical News Freedom Award.” Read more for the full announcement. Note that the Linux Medical News Freedom Award is not an officially sponsored award of AMIA but it should be.

We are pleased to announce that, as from this year, the Open Source Health Informatics Working Group (OSWG) of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) will co-sponsor the Annual Linux Medical News Freedom Award.

This further strengthens the collaboration between Linux Medical News (LMN) and the IMIA OSWG; LMN is already recognised as an official publication of the OSWG.
We believe that it also provides an example of the kind of co-operation that is essential between such organisations working in the areas of free/libre and open source software in the health and informatics domains, and helps to raise awareness of LMN among OSWG members and of
the IMIA OSWG among LMN readers.

THe IMIA OSWG has additionally established its own annual award, which will complement, rather than compete with, the LMN award.

Further information on both awards will be available at the AMIA Open Source Working Group meeting to be held at AMIA 2006 on Monday 13 November.

The two awards have received approval from the IMIA Board, but await final ratification by the IMIA General Assembly meeting, which will be
held in Washington DC on November 10.

Dr Peter Murray, IMIA Vice President for Working Groups and Special
Interest Groups

Dr Ignacio Valdes, Editor, Linux Medical News

Prof. Graham Wright, Chair, IMIA Open Source Health Informatics Working

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