OpenEMR + CK-ERP Demo

I have just completed a preliminary version of an (OpenEMR + CK-ERP) connector. A demo of CK-ERP operating within OpenEMR 2.8.2 is available here.

I have just completed a preliminary version of an (OpenEMR + CK-ERP) connector. A demo of CK-ERP operating within OpenEMR 2.8.2 is available at .

At the same time, it is important to note that,

a) For non-English display, you would need to set the browser character encoding to utf-8.

b) The CK-ERP menu choice lies just behind the logout link. However, the OpenEMR header menu line does not seem to auto-adjust to different screen resolutions, so you would probably need at least a 1024×728 screen to see the customized header menu properly, and to see the full header menu line, you would need a 1280×1024 screen.

c) There is no integration of OpenEMR and CK-ERP at database level and/or processing logic level. Developers familiar with OpenEMR + SQL-Ledger integration may produce a better result than I do.

d) I am not familiar with HIPAA and/or other medical IT rules and regulations, so I am not sure if the (OpenEMR + CK-ERP) environment would or would not breach any such rules/regulations. However, some earlier comments do seem to indicate that there may be problems if OpenEMR’s patient information is integrated with CK-ERP’s customer contact infrastructure.

So far as I can tell, the main utilities of CK-ERP operating within OpenEMR are the accounting, purchasing and staff management functions. Since OpenEMR already includes a highly customized medical billing engine, CK-ERP’s billing functions pale in terms of usability. However, payroll, purchasing, payment routines would be simplified quite a bit with the aid of CK-ERP.

As always, any criticisms, feedbacks, comments, suggestions are most welcome.

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