TEPR 2007 Open Source Speakers/Sessions

This session will look at real EHR selection and implementation scenarios that didn�t quite go according to plan. In this highly interactive session, the audience will be able to ask questions or present their own scenarios, obtain specifics pertaining to open source software such as advantages including free software and ability to modify easily, and obstacles such as limited support options.

This session will look at real EHR selection and implementation scenarios that didn�t quite go according to plan. In this highly interactive session, the audience will be able to ask questions or present their own scenarios, obtain specifics pertaining to open source software such as advantages including free software and ability to modify easily, and obstacles such as limited support options.

Enabling Patient-Clinician Collaboration with Open Source Software

Tom Jones, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Tolven
Open Source Use in Information Exchange
Will Ross, Mendocino Informatics
Panel Discussion Opportunities for and Barriers to Greater Use of Open Source Software in Healthcare
Larry Ozeran, MD, Practicing General Surgeon; President, Clinical Informatics, Inc; Panelists: Scott Shreeve, MD, Co-Founder, Medsphere Systems Corporation; David Uhlman, CEO, ClearHealth; Eric Bringas, IT Director, ClearHealth; Tom Jones, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Tolven, and Will Ross, Mendocino Informatics

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