Open source workshop at AMIA 2007

A group of open source enthusiasts and professionals from various organizations in the academia and industry are presenting a workshop at the AMIA Symposium this November (Nov 10, 2007). The topic is “Open source tools and applications in medical informatics”. We invite all those interested in using, contributing or collaborating to open source to attend.

Date: 11/10/07
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Location: Chicago 9 (Sheraton Chicago Hotel)
Registration/Fees: Included with AMIA conference registration. No separate registration or fees required.
AMIA Info page

The speakers, their affiliations (and their topics and websites) are:

Senthil Nachimuthu, University of Utah: Projeny (Probabilistic Networks Generator)
Eishay Smith / Matt Davis, IBM: Eclipse Open Healthcare Framework
Jon Teichrow, Webreach Inc: Mirth Project (HL7 Engine)
Paul Biondich, Regenstrief Institute: Open MRS (Electronic Medical Record)
Cal Collins, Akaza Research: Open Clinica (Clinical trials software)
Tom Jones, Tolven: Tolven (Clinician and Personal Electronic Health Record)
Will Ross, Mendocino Informatics: OpenEMPI (Enterprise Master Person Index)

All of the above software are released under various OSI-approved open source licenses. Please attend this workshop if you are interested in using or contributing to these projects, to learn about open source technologies in biomedical informatics, or to contribute to the discussion.

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