OpenEMR HQ To Hold Online Training

OpenEMR HQ, a small NE Oklahoma based OpenEMR and VistA consultancy and development firm, announced early Sunday afternoon that it will offer its fourth online OpenEMR training on Friday, November 7th, 2008 at 5:00pm central time. The training, which will cover installing, configuring, and administering OpenEMR, will last for one and a half hours and contain a question and answer section.

While OpenEMR HQ has had delays and issues with online trainings in the past, it says that all of those issues have been resolved and anticipate that this training will proceed as planned with no issues.

“In the past, says OpenEMR HQ CEO Anthony Papillion, “we’ve run into numerous technical problems that have detracted from our online trainings. Thankfully, we’ve resolved these and are excited about the quality of training we’re going to offer our customers starting November 7th”.

Papillion also said that anyone who’s experienced issues with the training in the past should contact their sales department so that special arrangements could be made to ensure their smooth participation in the upcoming event.

Training fees will be $185 per person with group discounts available. Interested parties can visit the OpenEMR training page to learn more or call the OpenEMR offices at +1.918.919.4624.

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