Fedral Government To Blow Little Guy Out of the Water?

Per Richard Shilling on the Hardhats list the Federal Government is about to blow the small health IT vendor out of the water in favor of large Health IT corporation cartels: ‘…Well, it’s more like HHS contracted with CCHIT to provide certification services. And, by extension, HHS is supporting a certification scheme that *can cost in excess of $70,000*.

How do people FEEL about that in the first place?!? In one foul swoop, HHS made it impossible for the small but viable software product to be accepted by HHS. And, now, if we read the text of the stimulus act, we see that it’s ILLEGAL for HHS to make use of non-certified products…’ Schilling is calling for donations to hire a lobbyist so that Free/Open Source and small, innovative health IT can still occur.

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