TriSano 1.0 FINAL Released

The TriSano team is proud to announced that TriSano™ 1.0 FINAL has been released.

The next generation of disease surveillance and outbreak management has begun to arrive.

You can download it and take it for a spin. The TriSano™ 1.0 Release Notes have a lot of good information on the details.

TriSano™ 1.0 has been in the making for over a year. Many public health subject matter experts and developers have worked tirelessly to reach this milestone. It is the first major release of TriSano™. Much more will be coming in subsequent releases, but TriSano™ 1.0 is a significant milestone as it has proven to be worthy of production use.

In the coming weeks, the Core Team will be updating the Roadmap with a special focus on what will be completed in 2009. We’d like the input of the TriSano™ community in this so please let us know if you have opinions on what should come next. You can either join the TriSano™ conversation on the discussion forums or just contact us with your opinions.

Please see blog post on the community site for links:

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