On Saturday, Nov. 7, approximately 600 top LAMP developers from around the U.S. will converge on Nashville suburb Franklin, TN, to learn from innovative companies that will share their on-the-ground reports about the latest developments in LAMP offerings and implementation. Note: Nashville, TN is home to some 150+ healthcare companies (many of which can trace their roots back to HCA. This is the FIRST broad open source integration event in this area (there was a Red Hat Summit in recent years). You’ll note, as of now, there is no open source healthcare representation. Let’s change that!
Whether you are an executive considering the switch to LAMP or a developer already deep into the code of Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Python or Perl, the Enterprise LAMP Network will be your destination for resources involving the LAMP stack and addressing its readiness for enterprise use.
The Enterprise LAMP Proposition
Today’s enterprises need reliable, secure, highly functional, high performance, portable and scalable internet service applications, yet CTOs face intense pressure to develop these powerful systems on the leanest of budgets. Even five years ago, options for accomplishing these business goals were limited to well-known proprietary offerings. Few high-profile technology leaders trusted open source software to provide viable resources for the demands of a large-scale enterprise.
Now, however, because of the maturity, velocity, security and scalability achieved in particular by the LAMP stack and the training, certification and support offered by a solid array of providers, we believe that LAMP has proven its ability to provide performance that CTOs at the world’s largest enterprises can rely on for global deployment.
Further, LAMP has transcended its origins as a stack strictly comprised of Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Python and Perl. Today, LAMP as an acronym is more symbolic than literal.
L – Open Source Internet Enabled Operating Systems (Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Darwin)
A – Open Source Internet Application Servers (Apache HTTPD, JBoss, Tomcat, Zimbra)
M – Open Source Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, CouchDB, MongoDB, Ingres)
P – Open Source Internet Focused Programming Languages (PHP, Python, Perl, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Erlang)
In addition, the hardware infrastructure on which LAMP used to run has matured beyond its legacy. While not a fit for every enterprise, innovations such as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), $aaS (Paid Software as a Service) and oSaaS (Open Software as a Service) now offer CTOs even more flexibility in how they structure systems.
Because of these software and hardware advances, we believe that Enterprise LAMP will become a mainstream choice for enterprise use.
The Enterprise LAMP Network
The Enterprise LAMP Network, planned for launch August 3, 2009, will be a year-round resource of both high-level strategic information for technology decisionmakers and highly technical information for coders about developments across the LAMP spectrum.
Planned resources include:
- Rotating critical commentary from industry leaders
- Aggregation of news content about LAMP topics
- Podcasts
- White papers
- Tutorials
- Product announcements
- Case studies about firms that have made or are making the move to LAMP
- Information about LAMP Users Groups
- Opportunities for technology firms to reach developers
- Registration for the Enterprise LAMP Summit, Camp and related events
Date: November 7th, 2009
Location: http://enterpriselamp.org/