FLOSS in health care track at Med-e-Tel 2010, 14-16 April, Luxembourg

The 8th annual Med-e-Tel conference (14-16 April 2010) will include a track that is dedicated specifically to Free/Libre Open Source Software in Health Care (FLOSS-HC).If you, your company or your organization is active or interested in FLOSS-HC Med-e-Tel is the place to be in 2010. One of the main goals of the FLOSS track is to serve as a forum for all people and organizations interested in FLOSS-HC, as a meeting place for old and new FLOSS-HC enthusiasts and a place for exchanging ideas, knowledge and experience and setting up new collaborations.

Over the years, Med-e-Tel has shown its dedication in addressing the needs of people from all over the world, including developing countries, but also providing industrial partners a place for networking, education and presentation of their work to a worldwide audience.
Contributions are highly welcome. Participants interested in contributing to one of the sessions are invited to submit their work in form of a paper through the online abstract submission. Additionally there is the opportunity to present work or ideas in form of a poster. Other options for presenting FLOSS products will be a live demonstration session of FLOSS software applications. The last option to present FLOSS products is in the industrial exposition.
For more information please visit the website
(http://www.medetel.eu/index.php?rub=educational_program&page=benefits_of_open_source_software_in_health_care) or contact us via email at:


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