“Call and Pump” Web-based Training Program Now Available

The Open ISES Project (http://openises.sourceforge.net) is very proud to announce its latest offering. “Call and Pump” is a web-based training program for the general population (http://emstraining.eduforge.org/medical/public_trng.html) and is the first offering in the Open ISES Project’s public training section. As the focus of citizen CPR turns more towards compression only CPR, this training program can help meet that need. This training project comes from our friends with the Call and Pump project (http://www.callandpump.org) in Wisconsin.

The Open ISES Project (http://openises.sourceforge.net) is very proud to announce its latest offering. “Call and Pump” is a web-based training program for the general population (http://emstraining.eduforge.org/medical/public_trng.html) and is the first offering in the Open ISES Project’s public training section. As the focus of citizen CPR turns more towards compression only CPR, this training program can help meet that need. This training project comes from our friends with the Call and Pump project (http://www.callandpump.org) in Wisconsin.

The training program uses a series of slides to explain the concept behind Call and Pump and why the compression only form of CPR is effective. It also includes two videos embedded into the training program. This is a professionally created training program that can be used as a stand-alone program or as part of a Learning Content Management System such as Moodle (http://moodle.org). Like all of our offerings, this training program is released as a free and open source project.

We want to invite you to stop by the Open ISES Project and view our other offerings. We have several training projects directed towards both the Advanced Life Support and Basic Life Support provider (http://emstraining.eduforge.org/medical/index.html). In addition we invite you to review our open source, web-based Computer Aided Dispatch program called Tickets (http://openises.sourceforge.net/tickets01.html).

Like any open source project, we are always looking for individuals to join our community. If you are a developer looking for a worthy project, we believe that there is none better than the Open ISES Project. If you are an emergency service provider, who wants to work with other software developers, we can use your help. If you are an instructor and are willing to create training programs that can be used to help meet the needs of your community or your fellow providers, we believe that the Open ISES Project is the place to be. To find out more, please visit our web site at http://openises.sourceforge.net.

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