ImageJ User & Developer Conference 2010

ImageJ, the most powerful environment for scientific image processing, will hold an event 27th to 29th October 2010, at The Domain Thermal of Mondorf | Avenue des Bains – B.P. 52 | L-5601 Mondorf-les-Bains.

– Meet the developers

– Find solutions

– Discuss your questions

– New fantastic developments.

Details and registration

The CRP Henri Tudor organizes, from Wednesday, 27th and Friday, 29th October 2010, the international ImageJ User and Developer Conference. The ImageJ User and Developer Conference 2010 follows the concepts of the conferences organized in Luxembourg in 2006 and 2008. The event offers workshops, in which the users will be able to improve their knowledge and usage of the software.

These workshops will cover “beginner” and “user” topics as well as “advanced” topics focusing on the “developer” level. The CRP Henri Tudor will try to specify the pre-knowledge of each workshop as clear as possible.

Besides these workshops, shorter presentations are planned. In these shorter 25 min presentations, case studies, projects, plugins and solutions to common problems will be presented. The copyright for publishing of the accepted articles will have to be granted to the Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor.

Scientific posters and an expo area will accompany these presentations. Compared to recent years, there will be more space available for this part of the conference.

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