FreeDiams v0.5.0 beta available

FreeDiams prescriber and drug-drug interaction checker is the result of FreeMedForms prescriber plugins built into a standalone application. FreeDiams is a free and open source application, GPLv3.

The 0.5.0 version brings drugs interactions calculation on all available drugs databases (US, CA, FR and ZA).

FreeDiams prescriber is the result of FreeMedForms prescriber plugins built into a standalone application.

FreeDiams is a multi-platform (MacOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Windows), free and open source released under the GPLv3 license. It is developed by medical doctors and is intended for use by these same professionals.

It can be used alone to prescribe and / or test drug interactions within a prescription. It can be linked to any application thanks to its command line parameters.

FreeDiams can use several drugs database. Are currently available: Drugs database FDA_USA, the french AFSSAPS drugs database, the canadian drugs databases (HCDPD), and the South African (SAEPI).

Drugs interactions calculation is available for all these drugs databases since v0.5.0.

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