The 2nd FLOSS in health care track at Med-e-Tel 2011 will take place at the 6-8 April 2011 in Luxembourg. Contributions are highly welcome.
After the success of its first edition at Med-e-Tel 2010 (23 speakers, 1 keynote presentation, 1 panel discussion), the Free/Libre Open Source Software in Health Care (FLOSS-HC) track 2011 aims to create the leading European summit bringing together FLOSS-HC developers, service providers and users from all over the world to cross-fertilize Open technological, business and social initiatives to shape the future of open health care systems.
Co-organized by the European Federation for Medical Informatics Free/Libre Open Source Working Group (EFMI LIFOSS WG), the International Medical Informatics Association Open Source Working Group (IMIA OS WG) and the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH), it offers a new platform for collaboration establishment, experience exchange and a unique opportunity to foster prospective thinking towards open, collaboratively developed systems in health care.
Submissions from all areas of health care are welcome that deal with free/libre open source software. Topics of interest for this track cover various aspects of FLOSS in health informatics, including but not limited to:
Submissions from all areas of health care are welcome that deal with free/libre open source software. Topics of interest for this track cover various aspects of FLOSS in health informatics, including but not limited to:
- collaborative care across the Internet
- interoperability between different FLOSS-HC systems
- free access to shared medical knowledge and Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)
- second opinion and support for training
- software solutions for low resource settings
- FLOSS-HC as a strategy for software development supported by welfare organizations
- systems for public health
- cross-fertilization with the Humanitarian FOSS (H-FOSS) community
- analysis of cultural differences which could require adapted software solutions
- reuse of modular software components
- FLOSS-HC in education
We also want to especially encourage open source software companies to provide some insights in their open source based business model, offered services and products.
Authors that would like to submit a paper or poster should use the online abstract submission form and provide the keyword “FLOSS-HC” in their list of keywords.
For software demo and position paper submissions, authors should send their abstract (max. 1 page) to the FLOSS-HC track chair, Thomas Karopka, at
Deadline for papers and posters: 10 December 2010
Deadline for demos and position papers: 14 January 2011
For more information please visit the website or contact us via email at: