I’m happy to announce the first Release Candidate version of Medical, the Free Health and Hospital Information System. This version is the result of over 2 years of hard work, and I see it as the starting point for a modern, scalable Free Health and Hospital Information System.
The highlights are :
- Covers most important functionality of Preventive and Family Medicine
- Fully Integrated to OpenERP 6.0
- Health Center administration (human resources, financial , stock, billing, … )
- Socioeconomics : Living conditions, sewers, drinking water, economic income, family members, electricity, …
- Lifestyle : Exercise, hours of work, diet, sleep hours, smoking….
- Sexual education and habits
- Social exclusion and drug abuse indicators : Working children, sexual abuse, prostitution, teenage pregnancy, school withdrawal, …
- Includes commonly used illegal drugs, by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) and their rating, addiction, tolerance, toxicity,…
- Laboratory Administration
- Prescription writing
- Patient appointment Administration (both ambulatory and inpatient)
- Inpatient (Hospitalization) Management
- Vademecum : Includes the World Health Organization (WHO) esential list of medicines.
- Genetic and Hereditary diseases. ( > 4200 NCBI and Diseases genes )
- Incorporates the International Classification of Diseases, version 10, as well as the ICD-10-PCS ( Procedure Coding System )
- Demographics and epidemiological information
The 1.0 release should be out in December, and in between we will have at least 2 more Release Canditates (RC2 and RC3).
Now it’s time to test the system, fully document the current functionality and complete the translation to the many languages that Medical is working today.
We will also take this time to add more demo data (patient clinical history, appointments, evaluations.. ).
Many thanks to all the Medical community that have contributed to the creation of the Universal free Health Information System !
We we’ll be talking about the upcoming 1.0 release and its integration to public health this friday 12th at IWEEE Brazil 2010, in Foz do Iguaçu ( http://www.iweee.org ), in Latinoware, so hope to see you there !
As usual, you can download and check the latest news on http://medical.sf.net
Best regards
Luis Falcón