Controlled Substance eRx Notes

So I just went to eRx last week of controlled substances in Houston, Texas. I do not want triplicate paper, I do not like triplicate paper. The postal service has lost my refill shipment of tamper proof paper in the mail. This eRX does controlled substances.

1) CVS did not take controlled substance eRX until yesterday October 1st. They obviously did not test it because it still does not work. Case opened with Surescripts. Nine patients stranded.

2) Some Walgreens has decided to delete out of stock controlled substances orders leaving patients and doctors to find one that has them. Six patients stranded.

3) Not all pharmacies accept controlled substance eRX yet.

4) On the phone with eRx tech support a lot about these issues. They are attentive and relatively competent but are dealing with a big non-system system.

5) Many pharmacists seem to be not trained or do not care about what to do with these. They tell me that I am the first one they’ve ever seen.

6) None of my Psychiatry or family practice colleagues are doing this.

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