Category Archives: EMR and Practice Management

OpenEMR with new Practice Management and Reporting Features

OpenEMR with many new features for patient scheduling and reporting. OpenEMR now incorporates PostCalendar from PostNuke, and phpMyAdmin for reporting. Create a report with phpMyAdmin, save it and create a web link for the report. A new resource site for OpenEMR users is which includes mailing lists, forums, screen shots, a live demonstration, a 39 page comparison sheet to compare OpenEMR to Medical Manager, MegaWest or Health Pro….

OpenEMR’s new enhancements include:

1. Find the first available appointment by medical provider;

2. When creating a new patient appointment, OpenEMR searches the patient’s demographic information to identify that patient’s medical provider, and automatically populates the patient’s provider for scheduling a new appointment;

3. Office staff default calendar view is for all providers for the week;

4. Medical provider default view is current day, defaulting to the provider’s appointments;

5. Drop-down list of providers to select from other providers for an appointment;

6. Calendar is PostNuke’s PostCalendar, providing for integration with PostNuke as a content management system;

7. Double booking of appointments flags the second appointment, noting a conflict;

8. Categories to identify patient failed to show;

9. Patient appointments contain three direct links. Those links are to encounter forms for the patient, patient demographic information, and to the appointment for editing; and

10. phpMyAdmin is packaged with OpenEMR allowing for users to create unlimited reports on data within OpenEMR.

OpenEMR has a new resource site for developers and users at with forums, email lists, screen shots and a 39 page resource to compare OpenEMR to other EMR and PMS systems.