Category Archives: Finally…

Open Source Medications Database Followup

Following up on this previous LMN story link we have now completed a comprehensive open source medications/drug database and have a simple technology demonstration of it online. It includes all drugs considered by the FDA as well as interaction data from the VA National Drug File. There is still plenty of tweaking to do particularly with the interactions and it is not ready to be used for clinical or medical purposes just yet, but feedback is welcome. ClearHealth will also be completing integrated SureScripts support in our Q1/2008 version (2.2).

Instructions about how to access the demo are available in our forums here

Netscape 6 Preview 3 Opens Favorably

Netscape has released its 3rd Preview of its long-awaited browser update. After months of waiting and scathing reviews in the recent past for its other Preview releases, this release appears to be generally well received judging by the discussion on In the past, the discussion on Slashdot and other sites has been merciless in its criticism of Netscape and the open source group that writes its base: While not bug-free, this release is reassuring that the strategically important browser will fulfill its promise in the near future. Mozilla’s current roadmap calls for release in January or February of 2001. Nightly builds that are said to be steadily improving are available on