Medsphere CEO Mike Doyle is interviewed on Fox Business News.
Category Archives: medsphere-corp
PR: Medsphere Increases Staff by 33% Moves to San Diego
Here is a press release from Medsphere: Healthcare IT Leader Expands, Builds Strategic Partnerships, Sparks VistA Community via Collaborative Open Source Model
CARLSBAD, Calif.––August 5, 2008––Medsphere� Systems Corporation, the leading provider of Open Source healthcare IT solutions, today announced the transition of corporate headquarters from Orange County to north San Diego County. The move is necessitated by two primary factors: recent development and persistent demand for Medsphere OpenVista�, the company’s cost-effective Open Source electronic health record (EHR) solution and rapid expansion of a collaborative Open Source community—the Healthcare Open Source Ecosystem—oriented around OpenVista and focused on enhancing quality of care and increasing clinical and operational efficiencies. Medsphere’s new corporate headquarters are located at 1917 Palomar Oaks Way, Carlsbad, California 92008.
A Message to Mike Doyle
Dear LinuxMedNews,
Recently, to my delight, Medsphere stopped suing community members Steve and Scott Shreeve. However, they have not done everything that Eric Raymond and I originally asked them to do. The one outstanding thing is to re-release the JUMPS sourcecode. So far Medsphere has not replied to the numerous emails that I have sent regarding this issue. Technically, I could be the victim of a very aggressive SPAM filter. So I am putting out a public request for Medsphere CEO Mike Doyle to contact me regarding JUMPS via Also, if another FOSS health community member is getting through to Medsphere regarding the release of JUMPS, please feel free to contact me in the same manner.
Fred Trotter
Interview With New Medsphere CEO Michael Doyle
Michael J. Doyle has a distinguished entrepreneurial career. He recently joined Medsphere as its new President and CEO, replacing Dr. Kenneth Kizer. Doyle has served as President and CEO of Advantedge Healthcare Solutions, a New York-based Software as a Service (SaaS) outsourced physician-billing company backed by private equity investors. From 2000 to 2004, Mike served as Chairman and CEO of Salesnet. In 1989 Mike founded The Standish Care Company, a provider of assisted living and long-term care services. As Chairman and CEO he guided it through the first successful initial public offering (IPO) for an assisted-living service provider in 1992. A series of mergers and acquisitions resulted in the merger in 1996 of Standish with Carematrix; after the merger Mike served as CEO of the combined companies, which retained the Carematrix name. Mike’s efforts ultimately yielded a highly successful organization with a market capitalization in excess of $500 million. In his career, Mike has held senior management positions at Voluntary Hospitals of America, and Tenet Healthcare Corporation’s predecessor National Medical Enterprises. He received a bachelor of science in biology with a minor in community health from Tufts University, and an MBA with a focus on healthcare and finance from the University of Chicago, where he was a Kaiser Fellow.
Medsphere Betrays Community
Medsphere Corporation, which claims to be ‘the leading supplier of open source software for the healthcare industry’ recently sued its founders, the Shreeve brothers, for releasing company software as Open Source on Sourceforge. The key argument in the lawsuit is whether the Shreeves informed Medsphere CEO Ken Kizer that they intended to release code on sourceforge before doing so. I have proof that Ken Kizer was informed of the release. Further I have confirmed that Medsphere appears to be suing anyone who downloaded the code from SourceForge for racketeering.
I am releasing this information only after Eric Raymond and I have attempted to reach a peaceful resolution with Medsphere.
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Medsphere sues the Shreeves over sourceforge release
Health IT Strategist Modern Healthcare’s daily IT newsletter, revealed that Medsphere is suing the Shreeve brothers
From the article:
A $50 million, 12-count lawsuit charging misappropriation of trade secrets, breach of contract, breach of duty of loyalty, violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act, commission of computer crimes, intentional interference with contract relations, unfair competition and other complaints has been filed by Aliso Viejo, Calif.-based Medsphere Systems Corp. against the company’s co-founders, brothers Steve and Scott Shreeve.
The suit seems to be over some code deposited on sourceforge against the companies wishes…
Steve Shreeve announced that Jumps and Kickstand source codes were freely available on, which “came as an unwelcome and startling surprise” to Kizer and other Medsphere executives.
MedSpheres Kizer Advocates FOSS to Congress
Ken Kizer of MedSphere asked congress to Make Selection of Open Source Software the Default Mode for Federal Funds. The discussion on The Healthcare IT Guy has generally been dubious.
ZDnet: Interviews Larry Augustin of Medsphere
I know that this is a bit old, published August 17th, but I’ve been BUSY. ZDnet news has an interview with Medsphere CEO Larry Augustin formerly of VA Linux fame. Of note is the financial package that they’ve built for VistA: ‘…”It is our intention to build an open source project around the core of that public domain code,” Augustin said in an interview. However, the company also plans to sell proprietary software modules � for example, the original VA code can’t handle billing, so Medsphere plans to build an extension to handle that, Augustin said. “Right now that stuff is not open source.”…’ Recent discussion on the hardhats weekly conference call was about interfacing FreeB with VistA.