OpenEMR with many new features for patient scheduling and reporting. OpenEMR now incorporates PostCalendar from PostNuke, and phpMyAdmin for reporting. Create a report with phpMyAdmin, save it and create a web link for the report. A new resource site for OpenEMR users is which includes mailing lists, forums, screen shots, a live demonstration, a 39 page comparison sheet to compare OpenEMR to Medical Manager, MegaWest or Health Pro….
OpenEMR’s new enhancements include:
1. Find the first available appointment by medical provider;
2. When creating a new patient appointment, OpenEMR searches the patient’s demographic information to identify that patient’s medical provider, and automatically populates the patient’s provider for scheduling a new appointment;
3. Office staff default calendar view is for all providers for the week;
4. Medical provider default view is current day, defaulting to the provider’s appointments;
5. Drop-down list of providers to select from other providers for an appointment;
6. Calendar is PostNuke’s PostCalendar, providing for integration with PostNuke as a content management system;
7. Double booking of appointments flags the second appointment, noting a conflict;
8. Categories to identify patient failed to show;
9. Patient appointments contain three direct links. Those links are to encounter forms for the patient, patient demographic information, and to the appointment for editing; and
10. phpMyAdmin is packaged with OpenEMR allowing for users to create unlimited reports on data within OpenEMR.
OpenEMR has a new resource site for developers and users at with forums, email lists, screen shots and a 39 page resource to compare OpenEMR to other EMR and PMS systems.