LinuxMedNews Events Calendar

In a continuing effort to facilitate the transformation to a better healthcare world, LinuxMedNews brings you an Events Calendar for open source conferences. Please e-mail me. to have your event included. The Events Calendar will support discussion threads and will be a permanent addition to the ‘Quick Links’ section below. Updated: 5/2/2000

Date/Time Title Place Contact:

May 12th, 2000 HIPAA – Will you be ready? Inverness Hotel & Golf Club Englewood, CO More info. here.

June 1st, 2000 Open Source Health Care Alliance (OSHCA) Rome Italy Email Joseph Dal Molin

July, 5th-9th 2000 Libre Software Meeting Universitďż˝ Bordeaux I, France., email:Philippe Auriol

July 17-20, 2000 O’Reillys Open Source Conference will feature GNUMed from 7/20 10:45 AM to 11:30 AM Monterrey California, Details here.

Aug 24-25, 2000 1st HL7 International Affiliates Meeting, Details here.

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