FreeMed v0.2.1 Adds Billing, PHPwebtools

Lots of project releases lately, this time from the good folks at FreeMed:
Friday March 30, 2001 The FreeMED Foundation is pleased to announce the release today of
FreeMED v0.2.1 (Persephone/CVS). This version of FreeMED Software is the latest version available for use. More information and downloads are available at FreeMED’s website. There are several improvements to the program:

  1. Billing including electronic billing works for major carriers and Medicare, and a framework is in place that will allow commercial service providers to create custom billing modules with the option of distributing them in a binary only format.
  2. There is full utilization of phpwebtools, a comprehensive web GUI and backend toolkit, created with support from the FreeMED Foundation.
  3. FreeMED Software is now completely modular, allowing for the update of programming without disrupting the current database, effectively adding and removing functionality from the software without modifying any code, much as native programs use shared objects.
  4. FreeMED Software is now under the Lesser GPL (LGPL) license. Please read the LICENSE file in the distribution, or go to to learn more.

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