Medical billing on Linux and open source Electronic Data Interchange has some [Linux and open source] product offerings that might be of interest to your readers. We have what we think is the first open source Internet EDI gateway product. SolAce Server was designed to do reliable, secure messaging in compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule. It was written in Java so it runs on multiple platforms. An open source client hasn’t been created yet, but since the server supports both hub-and-spoke and point-to-point topology you can use two SolAce Server instances to do real-time EDI [Electronic Data Interchange] messaging between two machines. If you’re using FTP as your messaging solution, you should really check this one out! The other product is named SolAce Electronic Medical Claims and integrates with any practice management system to generate and process HIPAA EDI transactions without double entry. It transmits directly to many government carriers and Blues, bypassing clearinghouses and their charges. Support for UB92 and DME is being added, but it already supports a ton of fields over a typical clearinghouse. I mention it here because it runs on Linux and Mac OS X!

Best regards,

Jeff Benjamin, President
Ivertex /

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