To increase collaborative opportunities based on several recent inquiries, Open Paradigms has redesigned their website to take advantage of the membership capabilities of Plone, a content management system for Zope.
With the recent release of TORCH 1.1.0 there has been an increase in usage due to the easier installation process. To leverage this increased attention to create better user documentation and more useful templates, we have used the same software used in the TORCH intranet to create a more collaborative environment on the website. This, in addition to the support mailing list will provide a more active environment.
We also would like to point out that just because isn’t a fancy flashy site does not mean that it isn’t built on a solid foundation. Take a look at some of these high traffic/high content sites that use Zope. Some with and some without Plone:
The Egyptian USAID Information & Communications Technology Project
Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre
As you can see, when you install TORCH you are not only getting your electronic health record application. But a complete content management system perfect to run your practice’s website and allow a collaborative approach to providing information to your patients.
An excellent overview of Plone is available here on the site.
The next major release in the TORCH 1.x.x series will be 1.3.0 and will provide a closer integration of the Plone interface and user sign on. We also plan to use Plone content types in order to exercise the workflow system for all items in the EHR. There is no release date set for this version yet.
Design is currently in process for an openEHR compatible implementation. This will be TORCH2 but we will provide the ability to move your data from the TORCH 1.x.x series into a TORCH2 server.
There is no release date set for this version yet.