Thank you for the support by Linuxmednews readers of the Care2x project. The articles on care2x this year have yielded good ideas on improving it. This was a big year for us so we say “Happy new year 2004”. I am sure it will be bigger than 2003 for care2x. In Germany at 11.11. every year 11.11. a.m. the fith season begins named “Karneval”. In Cologne where I did my degree or “Fastnacht” in Mainz the town where I was born. Is it the time to be as crazy as we are? So I looked on the Internet to give you some impressession what happened at Karneval.
At that time i was in Geneva at OSHCA and met the WorldVista people. We spoke about an idea, to make a module together for Worldvista and Care2x. Crazy, isn’t it?
Etienne Saliez, M.D., Crisnet vice-president,
Belgian Medical Informatics Association (MIM) vice-president likes the idea to share code.
After some mails with the WorldVista people we checked that it is possible to connect from Care2x to the Sanchez Computer Associates, Inc.. GT.M database that is used by Worldvista.
I was asked by Professor Trill, University Flensburg Chair of the FFIT, to present the Care2x project at the FFIT in February next year. There are more than 60 companies specialized in Hospital Information Systems. The same time and place there is a subcongress of German Government for telemedicine.
I wish u all a Happy New Year and starting fireworks for the new year.
We are allowed at the FFIT to make the first non virtual developer meeting that take place at february 11, 2004. The vista people told me thats realistic to expect 10 – 15 developers at such a first meeting.
For the meeting I have set up a tentative list. Klaus Kopper – Knoppix would like to help us to produce a Care2x demo CD with a complete Debian Linux on it. I think it’s good to know for other projects how to make such a Demo. He is in the organisation of Europes biggest Linux event (20000 vistors) and i think we sort out in Flensburg the possibility of a special Linux health day at this event.
Another tentative is Prof. Frank van Harmelen. I give you the link to the W3C Resource and an easy reading article to
push your phantasy.
What happened now in Flensburg?
Today I set up a little homepage and you can click in the right upper corner to register for reading in English about the care2x developer meeting.
Care2x 1st Developer meeting Feb 11, 2004
For foreign readers some more links about Karneval. The event starts 1 week after the meeting at Feb 23, 2004
Berkeley private reasearch about Karneval
Embassy Ottawa
History of Karneval
Crazy, isn’t it?