Informatics Job-Seeking Experiences Wanted

Noted medical informatician and past contributor to Linux Medical News Scot Silverstein writes on the AMIA clinical information system working group forum: ‘…Don Lindberg in 1969: “computer engineering experts per se have virtually no idea of the real problems of medical or even hospital practice, and furthermore have consistently underestimated the complexity of the problems�in no cases can [building appropriate clinical information systems] be done, simply because they have not been defined with the physician as the continuing major contributor and user of the information” (Lindberg DAB: Computer Failures and Successes, Southern Medical Bulletin 1969;57:18-21). In Collen’s book of the history of medical informatics, other pioneers in clinical IT gave similar advice (e.g., Octo Barnett’s “Ten Commandments” in 1970).

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Medical Algorithms Project

Don’t know how I missed this one before. Here’s an interesting website which collects medical algorithms: ‘…
A Medical Algorithm is any computation, formula, survey, or look-up table, useful in healthcare. More than 7000 algorithms, organized into 45 chapters, are available as spreadsheets which can be opened in your browser (IE4.1+, Netscape 7.1+ )…In addition to the online spreadsheets 40 algorithms are now available online as web-based forms. Registered users have access to 249 such algorithms. Registration is free.

Developed by the Institute for Algorithmic Medicine , a non-profit Texas Corporation…’

New cdmedic live CD 6.2 version

Quoted from the cdmedicpacsweb-users mailing list concerning CDMEDIC PACS WEB:
Hello all:

I,m pleased to announce a new version with the last version cdmedicpacsweb (1.0.7), and some little bugs corrected as the default boot of the CD with ENTER and the missed lesstif lib, because now AFNI is using open Motif and the ctn graphic apps are still using lesstif so I,ve installed both of them tough in Debian one replaces the other.
Also I,m working now in a high availability PACS and in a distributed PACS, so you can have many small PACS and query all from one single web interface, all tested with success and also ported to MAC mini Hardware getting the IMHO the smallest size PACS in the world and the most cheap and scalable one.

See the attached shot of a hardware configuration capable for a distributed 1 TB storage or 500MB of high availability configuration.

Feel free to post suggestions!
Pablo Sau

Keeping up with the googles

An article in today’s Wired discusses the AJAX platform that makes browsers more like interactive applications.

The results have been so impressive I was wondering if any open health projects have considered adding this to their mix. Anyone have any experience with this platform? How hard would it be to deliver current EMR functionality with openEMR for example through this platform?

It would be so cool and powerful for the open community to swiftly adapt to new standards and expectations more quickly than the proprietary folks.