13th VistA Community Conference

Joseph DalMolin writes on the Openhealth list: “WorldVistA is delighted to announce the 13th VistA Community Conference, to be held from Thursday, June 29th to Sunday, July 2nd, 2006 at Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The theme for this meeting is: �Building sustainable, global, collaborative development of VistA�, exploring the interrelated issues of:” Read on for more information. Calendar and registration information here.

1. Community and Business Development: how do we grow the community of WorldVista EHR� adopters and developers. Topics will include the organizational and governance framework, funding, education and training, capacity building, technology transfer, Open Source licensing
and business models.

2. Software Development: how do we coordinate an open source development on this scale. Topics will include the technical and quality management
framework for managing the software lifecycle, preventing code forking, software licensing, current and planned developments, VistA interoperability (with other systems), VistA and Health informatics standards, and the evolution of VistA architecture & technology.

These topics will be explored from the perspective of End Users, Software Developers, Vendors and Educators. The meeting includes an
optional one day MUMPS training course, tutorials and VistA demonstrations. During the course of the meeting attendees will be provided the opportunity to install VistA on their personal computers.

For more information and to register for the event please go to:

Early registration is advised as the number of attendees will be limited by the accommodation available. WorldVistA would like to thank Robert Morris University for supporting the VistA community by assisting with the sponsorship of this meeting.

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