Health-IT news articles usually follow a perennial pattern of loud hype followed by quiet failure. If what was at stake were not so important, the never ending raft of optimistic and un-critical press releases and articles about ‘progress’, ‘advances’ and ‘announced plans to’ would be a cause for amusement, guffaws and occasional cavorting at the lemming-like behavior of so many organizations and journalists touting the next big thing. To illustrate, here’s a list of recent news items for your reading pleasure. For further amusement, please use the following 3 ambulance scoring system for each of the projects described: 0 ambulances (succeed), 1 ambulances (fail), 2 ambulances (multi-million dollar fail) and 3 ambulances (multi-million dollar fail with firing) for their likelihood of success or failure. Let the fun begin!
- Insurers Announce Interoperable PHR Model
- My(Medical)Space: Social Networks, Blogs Turn To Health Care
- Proposed Legislation Would Implement Quality Reporting System for Physicians
- Major U.S. Employers Join to Provide Lifelong Personal Health Records for Employees
- Vendor to Offer Web-based EHRs to Docs in Exchange for Data
- RHIOs Will Lead Next Phase of NHIN program
- Vermont to Announce Statewide
RHIO - HHS Advances Nationwide Health Information Network Initiative
- VA Moves IT Development, Management Under CIO